B21A Release notes
The data is available to download and use openly and will be released after each Data Fabric build as a zipped CSV file. The feed comprises the following fields:
- InternalHPID (uniqueidentifier, not null) – Harness proprietary address position of highest resolution
- SignatureHPID (uniqueidentifier, not null) – Harness proprietary address position
- UPRN (varchar(20), null) – Unique Property Reference Number assigned by the LLPG Custodian or Ordnance Survey
- PricePerSquareMetre (float, null) – Land Registry price divided by floor area from other sources
- LandRegistryTransactionDate (date, null) – date of Land Registry price
- SquareMetreSource (varchar(50), null) – Epc Non Domestic, Epc Domestic, Epc Display, VOA
The data was de-duplicated by selecting the most recent floor area value either
side of the price paid transaction date.
The data ‘profile’ is summarised as follows:
- Number of records with HPID, price, date and floor area = 17,375,200
- Number of records with UPRN, price, date and floor area = 16,962,208
- Date range = 1995-01-01 to 2021-08-27
- Proportions with UPRN:
- Non-domestic = 73.3%
- Domestic = 97.8%

About PPSM
The HARNESS Price Per Square Metre (PPSM) release is an output of the Data Fabric platform which comprises connected data from four Open Government datasets:
- HM Land Registry Price Paid (price and transaction date)
- MHCLG Non-Domestic EPC (floor area)
- MHCLG Domestic EPC (floor area)
- VOA Rating List (floor area)
The data is de-duplicated by selecting the most recent floor area value on either side of the price paid transaction date. All values are mapped to an HPID, and UPRN where one exists.
The data is free to use, though attribution must be given where applicable (see below).

About Data Fabric
Data Fabric is a platform that enables full data usage by connecting identifiers. This might be an identifier that relates to a position, such as an Ordnance Survey supplied UPRN, or an identifier that relates to a description of that position, such as a Land Registry supplied ‘GUID’ or MHCLG supplied ‘LmkKey’ for EPC records. The connections are achieved through a proprietary grid of positions, called HPIDs, against which the data is placed.
Data Fabric gives the most upstream view of the data possible, or maximum data utilisation. That is, almost all the data is surfaced as a connected whole because the grid of HPIDs is not limited by existing perspectives. Most of the connected data is sourced under the Open Government Licence v3.0 though any address-centric feed can be added as the platform is completely modular.
The approach delivers a double effect on data utilisation rates:
- There are more positions (enabled by HPIDs) to which data can be pinned, and
- The understanding of connections surfaces more existing identifiers to match against.
Data Fabric allows consumption of data from multiple feeds without spending lots of time, resource,s and money ingesting and connecting the data. The sources are ready to go and connected at the most atomic level possible.
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2021
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0
GOV.UK terms and conditions apply, https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/business-rates-find/terms-and-conditions